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Show 2024 Exhibitors menu

Guardian Trailers

Guardian Trailers

The Ultimate Rapid Response Vessel designed specifically for flood rescue from the ground up.

The concept of the guardian trailer came about after seeing the impact of the 2023 floods in New Zealand, and how unprepared our emergency services were without the right tools. Our Naval Architect with over 20 years in designing everything from commercial vessels, floating mining equipment, superyachts and trailer boats, quickly came up with a simple solution.

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The Guardian Trailer is a fully legal, road registered trailer and boat in one, powered by a jet outboard and featuring a multi-use bow door. The catamaran hull-form is for increased stability and directional stability when running. Every feature of this craft has been thoroughly thought out for its application.


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Visit for more info: Guardian Trailers Website


About the national safety show

The National Safety Show is the largest event in New Zealand dedicated to workplace safety. The National Safety Show provides the opportunity to explore new products, services and innovations from the safety industry. Our educational seminars, workshops and networking lounges arm you with all the information and resources you need to keep up to date with the HSWA, protect your employees and your business, all under one roof.

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P: 09 976 8300
152 Beaumont Street
Auckland 1010

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